EUROSATORY 22_3i3s-EUROPA-16/06/2022
Thank you  to GNL C. BEAUDOUIN-CEO of COGES Event ! ( and all of the Coges Team 😉 )
oFrench Space Command (CDE)Â : GNL FRIEDLING_Colonel ROUGIER / A.GALLAIS
o French Agency Of Digital Defence : IGA. D. LUZEAUX
o DGA / SASD : ICA. Jean Baptiste PAING
➢ PROMETHEE : Constellation :
Mr. Olivier PIEPSZ President & Co.Founder _ Mr. GIAO-Minh NGUYEN(HEC;)
➢ SIFARIS : Start-Up : Mr. Jean-F. BEUZE Expert Cyber & Co.Founder
Thanks  for sharing your precious degrees of expertise that have obviously enriched this magnificent Debate and the Reflection of 3i3-EUROPA Members ;
whose origin and DNA is to decompartmentalize the debates between the actors of space – New Space – their industries- And the Axes & Mutual Technological Projections
thanks to all of My Speakers for their trust to share with us a global vision on Technical intrication in SPACE & Digital Domains – Thanks for sharing Your expertise Transverse and Dual Approach